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Should you publish SaaS pricing on your website?

This is one question that every startup and B2B software company will ask at some point - and there are a number of different approaches to take. 

It’s funny to think of from a consumer perspective. Like what if Netflix all of a sudden didn’t tell you it was $14.99/month (or whatever it is now) and expected you to get started to figure that part out. 

Deciding on when you publish or don’t publish pricing isn’t terribly difficult when you get down to it. 

When should you definitely publish pricing?

If the monthly price is less than $500 - don’t even think about it. Just publish the price. You’re not helping yourself to try and hide it for some reason. 

When should you maybe publish pricing? 

If the monthly price is between $500-5000 - then you should think about it before making a decision on if you publish or not. If you can drive a significantly higher upside based on additional features, usage, etc then it probably makes sense to not publish, but if the cost is pretty straightforward don’t artificially make it more difficult. 

When should you hold-off publishing pricing?

Anytime that pricing can get creative, don’t publish it - but only when it’s north of $5k/month. Everyone buying software knows that only enterprise doesn’t publish their pricing due to so many complexities, so if you aren’t at least in this price range then holding back the details its just hurting you at the end of the day. 

Can publishing pricing be tested? 

Most innovative companies want to find a way to test their ideas instead of just going off what someone else has said or their gut - which is great. 

If you have north of 100 transactions a month then test out the performance of leads when they see the pricing pre-sales engage versus those who don’t. You will need to use a tracking tool like HubSpot to run this test, but worthwhile to understand what happens. 

(If you have are under the 100 monthly transactions the amount of time it will take to reach statistically significant data, it isn’t worth the extra effort - just go with the best practices.)


Pricing is one of those super fun things that no one ever wants to deal with but it is really one of the most important pieces of every business. Don’t put it on the back burner.