How to have an Immediate Impact in Marketing

Whether you’re a new hire internally or an agency/contractor externally - most people want to have an immediate impact to the business. Naturally this leads folks to look into what projects are currently in the works or need to be completed, and try to find something they want to do. 

But there is a much better way to get started...

Find the Lowest Hanging Fruit

What is a small change that can have a huge impact on an important metric (usually leads generated) that will be noticeable almost immediately. 

Here are some ideas on how to find that low hanging fruit you can grab. 

  1. Look at the top 10 pages based on traffic - regardless of what type of page they are. Then ask yourself, “How can we can get more people to convert?” A lot of times it will be something as simple as adding a CTA, form, or maybe a bot. Think like your buyer and go with your gut. 
  2. Look at your blog - is there always a CTA in view regardless of where on the page someone is? Simple change and get a few more CTAs driving conversions. 
  3. Are any bots being used for lead generation? Use an existing tool or try out bots from Drift or HubSpot. Put them on your landing pages with a 15 second delay for people not already converting. 

These are just a few simple things you can try to help point you in the direction of finding some quick wins that you can implement. 

Be sure to make sure you’re tracking the performance of whatever changes you make to show that it worked. 

Share what you’ve tried in the comments below to help others hit the ground running when kicking off their time with a new marketing team. 

Need more help with finding the low hanging fruit? Connect with us and we will be happy to help!


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