Staying Productive during the 2020 Elections

The 2020 Election Day was yesterday and got the attention of just about everyone in the US (and surprisingly a large number of people abroad). Staying productive during an election year is even more difficult than ever. 

And while having the ability to vote for our leaders is amazing, we can’t put everything on hold for the next few days waiting for the results to come in. 

So how can we all stay focused now and in the future when big distracting things are trying to pull our attention away: 

  1. Make a decision as to how often you check-in on what’s happening. You really don’t need the TV running in the background. A simple check once an hour on the key details is more than enough.

  2. Start the day with a to-do list of the “must haves” for the day. Physically write down the entire list and put it someplace close to you. It will be that constant reminder that you still have stuff to do.

  3. Get the hardest task done first! We all naturally gravitate to do the easiest first, but then you just continually push off the hard stuff. Just get it out of the way and cruise through the easy stuff after.

  4. Change up your scenery. Especially with working from home, it is very easy to just sit in the same spot all day. Move from the desk to the couch or go for a short walk.

Ultimately you need to be proactive to accomplish your goals and have a productive day - so stay on top of it and if you feel like binge watching CNN in the evening go for it. 

But just so you know - they’ve said a bunch of the remaining states won’t have their election results finalized until Friday, so don’t spend too much time fixated on the news. 


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