Tracking Revenue in HubSpot with multiple Deal Pipelines

It’s quite common to utilize HubSpot with multiple different deal pipelines due to having different sales motions for small business versus enterprise or entirely different teams like channel sales. Ultimately all of these deals are tracking revenue but sometimes it can get confusing using the standard HubSpot fields.

Total Revenue is a standard HubSpot property on the contact and company records that is the sum of all Closed Won deals - regardless of their pipeline, with no ability to modify the calculation rules.

But thankfully you can setup your own custom calculation property to understand revenue by pipeline quite easily and then use this field for reporting, exports, etc.

Here’s how to do it:

HubSpot Calculated Property for Pipeline Specific Revenue
  • Go to Property Settings

  • Create a New Property

  • Name the property and group it however you’d like

  • Choose the following settings:

    • Calculated Property Type is Sum

    • Associated Record Type is Deal

    • Associated Record Property is Amount in Company Currency

  • Add an Additional Condition choosing the Deal Stage from the left dropdown and the Closed Won option from the appropriate Deal Pipeline this property is built for

  • Click Save and you’re done!

Note: after you hit save, depending on your database size in HubSpot it may take 10-20 minutes to fully roll out this calculation. Would recommend not immediately utilizing it before it has a bit of time.


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